Dietrich, M., Blaise, P., Brännhage, J., Bürgi-Meyer, K., Frey, D., Graf, N., Groner, U., Gross, A., Keller, C., Römer, N., Roux, C., Scheidegger, C., Vonarburg, C., von Hirscheydt, G., Vust, M. 2021. Beiträge zur lichenologischen Erforschung der Schweiz – Folge 3. Meylania 68. 10-30.

Frey, D., Nascimbene, J., Stofer, S., Vust, M., Gross, A., Kiebacher, T., Lucini, L. 2021. Diversità e conservazione di funghi, licheni e briofite: passato, presente e prospettive future. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 109: 224.

Frey, D., Nascimbene, J., Stofer, S., Vust, M., Gross, A., Kiebacher, T., Lucini, L. 2021. Diversity and conservation of fungi, lichens and bryophytes: past, present and way forward. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 109: 224.

Casanelles-Abella, J., Frey, D., Müller, S., Aleixo, C., Ortí, M. A., Deguines, N., Laanisto, L., Niinemets, Ü., Pinho, P., Samson, R., Villarroya-Villalbaa, L., Moretti, M. 2021. A dataset of the flowering plants (Angiospermae) in urban green areas in five European cities. Data in Brief 37: 107243.

Casanelles-Abella, J., Chauvier, Y., Zellweger, F., Villager, P., Frey, D., Ginzler, C., Moretti, M., Pellissier, L. 2021. Applying predictive models to study the ecological properties of urban ecosystems: A case study in Zürich, Switzerland. Landscape and Urban Planning 214: 104137.


Mangili, S., Schoenenberger, N., Selldorf, P., Marazzi, B., Sasu, I., Haritz, C., Borsari, A., Marazzi, B., Frey, D. 2020. Note floristiche ticinesi 2020: ritrovamento di tre neofite nuove per la Svizzera e di due nuove per il Cantone Ticino. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 108: 83–91.

Mangili, S., Frey, D. 2020. Primi fiori per l’aristolochia clematite! Die ersten Blüten der Echten Osterluzei. FloraCH 11: 7–9.

Young, C., Hofmann, M., Frey, D., Moretti, M., Bauer, N. 2020. Psychological restoration in urban gardens: effects of garden type, garden–related stress and plant diversity on restoration outcomes. Landscape and Urban Planning 198: 103777.

Fournier, B., Frey, D., Moretti, M. 2020. The origin of urban communities: From the regional species pool to community assemblages in city. Journal of Biogeography 47: 615–629.

Frey, D., Gayubo, S.F., Mokrousov, M., Zanetta, A., Řiha, R., Moretti, M., Cornejo, C. 2020. Phylogenetic notes on the rare Mediterranean digger wasp Psenulus fulvicornis (Schenck, 1857) (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) new to Switzerland. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 126: 27–42.


Tresch, S., Frey, D., Le Bayon, R.-C., Mäder, P., Stehle, B., Fliessbach, A., Moretti, M. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of urban gardening on aboveground and belowground diversity and soil multifunctionality. Scientific Reports 9: 9769.

Eggenberger, H., Frey, D., Pellissier, L., Ghazoul, J., Fontana, S., Moretti, M. 2019. Urban bumblebees are smaller and more phenotypically diverse than their rural counterparts Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 1522–1533.

Frey, D., Moretti, M. 2019. A comprehensive survey of cultivated and spontaneously growing vascular plants in urban gardens. Data in Brief 25: 103982.

Young, C., Frey, D., Moretti, M., Bauer, N. 2019. Research Note: Self-reported habitat heterogeneity predicts plant species richness in urban gardens. Landscape and Urban Planning 185: 222–227.

Tresch, S., Frey, D., Le Bayon, R.–C., Zanetta, A., Rasche, F., Fliessbach, A., Moretti, M. 2019. Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna and plant diversity in urban gardens. Science of the Total Environment 658: 1614–1629.

Home, R., Lewis, O., Bauer, N., Fliessbach, A., Frey, D., Lichtsteiner, S., Moretti, M., Tresch S., Young, C., Zanetta, A., Stolze, M. 2019. Effects of garden management practices, by different types of gardeners, on human wellbeing and ecological and soil sustainability in Swiss cities. Urban Ecosystems 22: 189–199.

Home, R., Moretti, M., Frey, D., Bauer, N. 2019. Hobbygärtnerinnen und -gärtnern ist Biodiversität wichtig. Hotspot 39: 18–19.

Home, R., Moretti, M., Frey, D., Bauer, N. 2019. Pour les jardiniers amateurs, la biodiversité compte. Hotspot, 39, 18–19.


Mangili, S., Schoenenberger, N., Marazzi, B., Selldorf, P., Frey, D. 2018. Note floristiche ticinesi 2018: Specie vegetali esotiche spontanee nuove per la Svizzera e per il Cantone Ticino. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 106: 35–42.

Frey, D., Vega, K., Zellweger, F., Ghazoul, J., Hansen, D., Moretti, M. 2018. Predation risk shaped by habitat and landscape complexity in urban environments. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 2343–2353.

Tresch, S., Moretti, M., Le Bayon, R.-C., Maeder, P., Zanetta, A., Frey, D., Stehle, B., Kuhn, A., Munyangabe, A., Fliessbach, A. 2018. Urban soil quality assessment – A comprehensive case study dataset of urban garden soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science: 6: 1–5.

Tresch, S, Moretti, M., Le Bayon, R.-C., Zanetta, A., Frey, D., Fliessbach, A. 2018. A gardener’s influence on urban soil quality. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6: 1–17.

Tresch, S., Haefelin–Ger, D., Stehle, B., Fliessbach, A., Le Bayon, R.–C., Zanetta, A., Frey, D., Moretti, M. 2018. Artenvielfalt von Pflanzen und Bodentieren fördert den Abbau von organischem Material in Stadtgärten. Potagers urbains: plus de diversité pour moins de matière organique. Nature + Paysage. Natur + Landschaft: Inside 3/18: 14.

Zanetta, A, Frey, D., Jäggli, G., Bacher, S., Ghazoul, J., Albrecht, M., Moretti, M. 2018. Neue Einblicke ins (Überleben) von solitären Bienen und Wespen in der Stadt dank „Insektenhotels“. Nouvelles révélations sur la survie des abeilles et guêpes solitaires en milieu urbain grâce aux hôtels à insectes. Nature + Paysage. Natur + Landschaft: Inside 4/18: 25.

Zanetta, A., Frey, D., Bacher, S., Moretti, M. 2018. Führt die zunehmende Verstädterung zu immer ähnlicheren Artengemeinschaften? L’Urbanisation croissante, conduit–elle à une uniformisation des biocénoses? Nature + Paysage. Natur + Landschaft: Inside 2/18: 14.

Kozlowski, G., Bétrisey, S., Song, Y. G., Fazan, L., Garfì, G., Boratyński, A., Buord, S., Carra, A., Christe, C., Deng, M., Egli, B., Fragnière, Y., Frey, D., Ghosn, D., Gratzfeld, J., Jasińska, A. K., Kozlowski, E., Liu, Z., Naciri, Y., Pasta, S., Pirintsos, S., Remoundou, H., Yousefzadeh, H. 2018. The red list of Zelkova. Fribourg: Natural History Museum Fribourg. ISBN: 9782970109624.


Frey, D., Young, C., Zanetta, A., Tresch, S., Fliessbach, A., Bauer, N., Lewis, O., Home, R., Moretti, M. 2017. Bettergardens: Biodiversität, Bodenqualität und sozialer Wert von Stadtgärten. Bettergardens: biodiversité, qualité du sol et valeur sociale des jardins urbains. Nature + Paysage. Natur + Landschaft: Inside 2/17: 27–31.

Home, R., Stolze, M., Tresch, S., Fliessbach, A., Lewis, O., Bauer, N., Moretti, M., Young, C., Zanetta, A., Frey, D. 2017. BetterGardens: Bodenqualität, Biodiversität und Sozialer Wert von Stadtgärten. Arbeitsgruppe «Vollzug Bodenbiologie». VBB Bulletin 17: 26–29.

Frey, D., Reisch, C., Narduzzi–Wicht, B., Baur E.–M., Cornejo, C., Alessio, M., Schoenenberger, N. 2017. Historical museum specimens reveal the loss of genetic and morphological diversity due to local extinctions in the endangered water chestnut Trapa natans L. (Lythraceae) from the southern Alpine lake area. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 185: 343–358.

Marazzi, N., Mangili, S. 2017. Note floristiche ticinesi: specie rare sulle rive esposte delle Isole di Brissago (Cantone Ticino, Svizzera) grazie a un livello del lago eccezionalmente basso. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 105: 23–30.


Frey, D., Arrigo, N., Granereau, G., Sarr, A., Felber, F., Kozlowski, G. 2016. Parallel declines in species and genetic diversity driven by anthropogenic disturbance: a multispecies approach in a French Atlantic dune system. Evolutionary Applications 9: 479–488.

Zanetta, A., Frey, D., Moretti, M., Trivellone, V. 2016. First records of Edwardsiana sociabilis (Ossiannilsson, 1936) and Laburrus pellax (Horváth, 1903) (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) in Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 89: 281–287.

Mangili, S., Schoenenberger, N., Frey, D. 2016. Ritrovamento di tre specie vegetali nuove per la Svizzera e di un taxon raro considerato regionalmente scomparso. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 104: 29–36.

Frey, D., Zanetta, A., Moretti, M., Heckmann, R. 2016. First records of Chlamydatus saltitans (Fallén, 1807) and Tupiocoris rhododendri (Dolling, 1972) (Heteroptera, Miridae) and notes on other rare and alien true bugs in Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 89: 51–68.

Andres, F., Frey, D. 2016. Un anno di fiori. 12 Sentieri della Val Mara. Arogno: Memomara.

Lichtsteiner, S., Home, R., Moretti, M., Frey, D., Fliessbach, A., Tresch, S., Young, C., Bauer, N. 2016. Der ökologische und soziale Wert von Stadtgärten. Hotspot 33: 22.

Frey, D., Vega, K., Stephani, A., Ghazoul, J., Hanson, D., Moretti, M. 2016. Gärten fördern Ökosystemleistungen in verdichteten Städten. Les jardins favorisent les services écosystémiques dans les villes à forte densité. Nature + Paysage. Natur + Landschaft: Inside 4/16: 11.


Frey, D., Selldorf, P., Persico, A., Breunig, T., Schoenenberger, N. 2015. Origine, introduzione e grado di naturalizzazione di nove nuove specie vegetali per la Svizzera. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 103: 27–36.

Germann, C., Frey, D., Zanetta, A., Moretti, M. 2015. First record of Euophryum confine (Broun, 1881) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Cossoninae) in Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 88: 337–340.

Frey, D., Moretti, M. 2015. Biodiversität und Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Stadtgärten. Biodiversité et services écosystémiques dans les jardins urbains. Nature + Paysage. Natur + Landschaft: Inside 2/15: 17.

Frey, D., Young, C., Bauer, N. 2015. Dem Leben in den Gärten auf der Spur. Sur les traces de la nature en ville. Gartenfreund: Monatsschrift des Schweizer Familiengärtner–Verbandes 96: 12–13.


Lexer, C., Wüest, R. O., Mangili, S., Heuertz, M., Stölting, K. N., Pearman, P. B., Forest, F., Salamin, N., Zimmermann, N. E., Bossolini, E. 2014. Genomics of the divergence continuum in an African plant biodiversity hotspot, I: drivers of population divergence in Restio capensis (Restionaceae). Molecular Ecology 23: 4373–4386.

Andres, F., Frey, D., Federspieler, R. 2014. Veränderung der Artenvielfalt in verbuschten Trockenrasen nach Auflichtungen und 6-jähriger Beweidung mit Ziegen und Dexterkühen. Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden 118: 145–157.

Kozlowski, G., Frey, D., Fazan, L., Egli, B., Bétrisey, S., Gratzfeld, J., Garfì, G., Pirintsos, S. 2014. The Tertiary relict tree Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae): distribution, population structure and conservation status on Crete. Oryx 48: 80–87.

Christe, C., Kozlowski, G., Frey, D., Bétrisey, S., Maharramova, E., Garfì, G., Pirintsos, S., Naciri, Y. 2014. Footprints of past intensive diversification and structuring in the genus Zelkova (Ulmaceae) in south‐western Eurasia. Journal of Biogeography 41: 1081–1093.

Christe, C., Kozlowski, G., Frey, D., Fazan, L., Bétrisey, S., Pirintsos, S., Gratzfeld, J., Naciri, Y. 2014. Do living ex situ collections capture the genetic variation of wild populations? A molecular analysis of two relict tree species, Zelkova abelica and Zelkova carpinifolia. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 2945–2959.


Berthouzoz, M., Maendly, S., Bétrisey, S., Mangili, S., Prunier, P., Lexer, C., Kozlowski, G. 2013. Some like it cold: distribution, ecology and phylogeny of Arenaria bernensis Favarger (Caryophyllaceae) from the western Prealps in Switzerland. Alpine Botany 123: 65–75.

Lexer, C., Mangili, S., Bossolini, E., Forest, F., Stölting, K. N., Pearman, P. B., Zimmermann, N. E., Salamin, N. 2013. ‘Next generation’biogeography: towards understanding the drivers of species diversification and persistence. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1013–1022.


Kozlowski, G., Gibbs, D., Huan, F., Frey, D., Gratzfeld, J. 2012. Conservation of threatened relict trees through living ex situ collections: lessons from the global survey of the genus Zelkova (Ulmaceae). Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 671–685.

Fazan, L., Stoffel, M., Frey, D.J., Pirintsos, S., Kozlowski, G. 2012. Small does not mean young: age estimation of severely browsed trees in anthropogenic Mediterranean landscapes. Biological Conservation 153: 97–100.

Frey, D.J., Haag, C. R., Kozlowski, G., Tison, J.–M., Mràz, P. 2012. High genetic and morphological diversity despite range contraction in the diploid Hieracium eriophorum (Asteraceae) endemic to the coastal sand dunes of south–west France. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 169: 365–377.

Frey, D., Kozlowski, G., Granereau, G., Löwy, M. 2012. La Corbeille d’or des sables (Alyssum loiseleurii P. Fourn. subsp. loiseleurii), une endémique à aire restreinte menacée. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux 147: 285–300.

Granereau, G., Frey, D. 2012. La Corbeille d’or des sables, une espèce végétale rare et d’un grand intérêt patrimonial. Cahiers du sud landais 10.


Frey D., Granereau G. 2010. État des lieux et mise en place d’un suivi des populations de Alyssum loiseleurii. Office national des forêts.